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Cimcorp acquires RMT Robotics

Jul 26, 2010 Cimcorp Headquarter

Cimcorp has on July 23, 2010 purchased all the shares of 581399 Ontario Limited, which is the sole owner of RMT Robotics Ltd. The Canadian company located in the greater Toronto area will continue its services under the current name, management and staff as a subsidiary of Cimcorp Oy. Doug Pickard, President of RMT Robotics, has at the same time acquired a significant 20% interest in Cimcorp.

The main purpose of the transaction is to better serve customers around the world in the tire industry as well as in warehousing and distribution, which are the focus areas of the new group’s business activities.

The estimated proforma revenue of the group for this year is over EUR 50 million equivalent to over CAD 70 million as per the date of the Closing. Total number of employees is over 200, with over 2/3 of them working in design, development and systems as well as project engineering. The Canadian figures are over 1/4 of the total figures.

The new group of the two technologically proven companies will continue to strive to serve its customers with advanced solutions for better satisfaction and profitability.

Both companies have specialized in gantry robotic technology and related controls. RMT has also developed a flexible AGV system called ADAM, which is gaining a growing foothold in the market.

For more information please contact:

Managing Director/President Markku Vesa 
tel. +358 440 592 753